Hey guys, sorry if this is not the right section for this, if it isnt, sorry, i wasnt sure where to post.

I just flashed a droid 2 over to cricket. i used PRL 49027 for san diego. I have not activated the phone on my cricket account yet.

I am in Los Angeles where cricket does not have their own towers. Is there any way to test that the PRL worked and that i am actually on the cricket network? I have to drive down to oceanside, 75 miles, in order to get on the actual cricket network in order to *228. I would like to verify that my flash over worked properly before i pay $15 to activate the phone and drive 150 miles round trip.

Right now, if i try to dial a number, i get a Boooop tone then automation answers and says push 1 to make a collect call.... is this the cricket network???

under android settings>about phone>status>

Network: Unknown
Signal: -87dbm
net type: CDMA - EvDo rev. A
Service: in service
roaming: not roaming
mobile net state: Connecting (wont connect because not programmed from cricket tower yet, i believe)

I appreciate your time!