Looks like all the other NON PPC mvnos mentioned above: Mingo, Air Voice Express, etc are ALL affected by the Verizon prepaid phone ban. It also includes Alltel prepaids too. This is going to cripple both H20 and Air Voice cdma as they have NO phones of their own relying SOLELY on byod.
Without an attractive unlimited plan , data or lowered per minute rates like PPC, these poor guys have no way to really compete unless they step it up. Considering their gsm divisions (Both H20 and Aiir Voice have both Gsm/Att and cdma/Verizon variants of their brands) are all running an Att/gsm unlimited plan, a Page plus like unlimited plan on their cdma sides soon isn't likely anytime soon.

The problem is that we have no idea what degree the prepaid phones have been affected too. Does old stock prepaid that got reincarnated as refurbs fall under that? This is to me a fourth and fifth byod threat from Verizon /Page Plus . This time it encompasses all Verizon mvnos.

Really PPC is the only Verizon mvno with both byod and unlimited. Not a choice at all really.

I read one user on another forum angrily go, "why wait six months (now permanent), just flash them to Cricket."

I'd like to paraphrase the term "If you make peaceful revolution impossible , you make violent revolution inevitable."

If you make legal byod impossible... fill in the rest...