Just a few points. First, units were clicked off well before May. I know a whole bunch were down by April 25. Just saying.

Second, flashing is always an art not a science. If you think for one minute Big Red didn't know what was going on you are a fool. And they don't require any videos or discussion threads to realize it. Red employs a team of highly sophisticated people making A LOT of money. They know exactly what is happening, when, and how. And if they are told to stop it, they will. It's that simple. My guess is the extra income was outweighed by the load on the network and the explosion of people selling these devices and services certainly exacerbated that. All good things come to an end, and this has. I think we should leave it at that.

Personal attacks and such do absolutely nothing. If there's one thing for certain, if Red were watching, they are laughing their rears off. Let's continue to report our findings and observations and anything which might benefit the community at large. And that's something we can all benefit from, regardless of our expertise or training.