ok guys...as you know this is a very touchy subject,also it is not only against forum rules to discuss in the public section it is illegal. having said that i will answer this question as i am not supply'n anyone with knowledge on how to do it.

the tool does have the capability of write/re-write meid,there i said it..lol. BUT,and this is a BIG BUT.


this is ment to be used in every country and will have bundles for africa,indonesia,U.S.A,ussr,and many other country's c arriers where "fooling" with meids is legal,as well as many refurbishing companies will buy and use it and need the ability to clean up that part of the phone.

so,while it has the ability,it also takes a bit of knowledge to use it and end up with a working phone when done.

i will post a guide on how to use that part of it,somewhere.i am not sure where yet.

we will have a disclaimer stating that it is up to you to check the legality of this in your own country/city/state/or whatever. now what you all do in your homes/stores is none of my biz. there will be no auto feature to re=write meids,there is no way around leaving my neck out by doing that.so it will be a manual proccess.